Sunday, September 20, 2009


well, today wasn't as horrible as the last two days, but it wasn't great, either. i did the mcdonalds thing again for breakfast. my lunch was brought from home, and i had a total of 3 little cupcakes, not 6 or so. i also didn't drink any water, and had no fruits/veggies (for dinner i will).

so, my frustrations have led me to create a goal chart to put on the fridge every week. i have to check off what i did each day, and if i have all but 3 boxes checked by saturday, i get one treat sunday evening. not all weekend long.

here are some of my goals:

* drink 100ozs. of water every day
* eat 5 fruits/veggies a day
* keep track of WW online daily
* eat breakfast
* exercise at least 3xs per week
* no more fast food or fried food anymore at.all. none.
* stop "picking" at food then not counting it as points
* do devotions daily so i can feel God's force pushing me forward to my goals

if i follow this, i should be good. i did well for almost 2 weeks, hit a little setback, but i can't let that deter me from moving forward. i'm getting over it, and getting back on track tomorrow. my parents are coming in a month, i want them to see a difference in me when they come, and i want them to see a bigger difference when i go to their house for thanksgiving and then the same again for Christmas. i can do it. i know i can.

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